Sunday, April 29, 2012

No Doom in Florida

Do people spend time looking for ways
in which everything harms us and numbers our days?

Our time on this earth seems cloaked in doom.
No plastic or cell phones. Can I still use a broom?

I watched the news and they started to tell
how booze is bad and makes us unwell.

Then the next day, another report,
drink lots of red wine, it's good for your heart.

And smoking will kill you, they assure us it's true.
but grandpa still smokes and he's 92!

Drink water from a tap? Surely you jest.
I saw Erin Brockovich. Boy that was a mess!

The sun will kill you and eat thru your skin
But Florida is crawling with our aging kin.

Their out in the sun, drinking from the tap,
lighting a smoke and taking long naps.

They get on the road, speeding and crawling,
then sip on their wine and sleep through till morning.

These crazy old coots are happy as clams,
waving back at your gestures in traffic jams.

They must have a secret they will not share.
But when I am old I hope to be there.

Smoking and drinking, making you nuts
doing 30 in a 60, cuz I could die on a bus!

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