Thursday, May 10, 2012


Day and night are illusions of mind,
they show the world in form and time.
Just as the space, between the trees,
shows the place, from which they breathe.

Without the space, between the trees,
how on earth could they possibly be?
Be in their form and visually there,
distinct, unique and separate from air.

Without the light shinning on me,
how on earth could I possibly Be?
Be in this space, and visually here,
without light to say, see she is there.

The sight of the mind, alone cannot not know,
from where we came, and how we grow.
For light and space give truth to form,
and in truth, is where we are actually born.

Born through space and into the light,
wanting just to Be, day or night.

by KCH


  1. Hi, lovely poem this. I loved it first time through, but re-reading it, it got better each time.
    Congratulations on it - and many many thanks for the "plug" - very much appreciated.

  2. Thank you Dave. That means a lot coming from you. And it's my Pleasure to plug you here. Love your work! Unfortunately, I don't have followers yet, so thanks may not be due. lol I just created this blog a week or two ago. Hopefully someday... I have a couple friends that visit though, but they are not bloggers. Thank you for taking the time to read my poem.

  3. Thanks a billion for the plug! Lovely to read your poem again.

  4. Just a thought: it took me many months to get my first comment. Once you make the breakthrough though, you'll never look back - except with satisfaction!
